Darren Cheng
Darren Cheng
I realize that this thread is over year old, but in case this is helpful - Unfortunately, the Spotify osascript interface doesn't have access to this. I wanted a hotkey...
Yes, definitely feasible. If anyone is interested in writing the Lua logic into Hammerspoon - the complexity lies in the user needing to set up a Spotify developer OAuth application...
@manojkarthick — thanks for flagging that! Here's some AppleScript that does exactly that: ``` activate application "Spotify" tell application "System Events" keystroke "b" using {option down, shift down} end tell...
Holy shit @latenitefilms @manojkarthick — that worked! This is why I love Hammerspooon. ``` local app = hs.application.find("com.spotify.client") hs.eventtap.keyStroke({"option", "shift"}, "b", app) ``` It looks like we can't explicitly trigger...
I've never had success modifying my external monitor's brightness, though I dug into it a while ago. IIRC, I gave up with the reason that my external monitor just didn't...
I had the same thought process. Too bad!
+1. Been getting the same issue with - Ruby 2.0.0p0 - rails (3.2.13) - pry (0.9.12) - pry-nav (0.2.3) - pry-rails (0.2.2) - pry-remote (0.1.6) Thanks! Let me know if...
@davydovanton - I can help maintain this gem. I'm blocked on https://github.com/davydovanton/sidekiq-statistic/issues/114 and would love to get this out EDIT 6/19/2018: We've stopped using this gem after running into the...
@schovi - Unfortunately we don't use an alternative. These statistics are more of a nice-to-have than a necessity for our system, so we just removed the functionality completely. Sorry I...
@stevelacey - can you check what your adapter is set to? The default AMS adapter is `attributes`, which ignores that root option. Perhaps you want to use the `json` adapter....