Dragutin Marjanović
Dragutin Marjanović
### Summary: - Separate `Update` (`XX`, `NX`, `LT`, `GT`) to `Update` (`XX`, `NX`) and `UpdateByScore` (`LT`, `GT`) - `SET` command only takes `NX | XX` (more info [here](https://redis.io/docs/latest/commands/set/)) - `ZADD`...
### Queries - [x] `fuzzyQuery` - [ ] `geoBoundingBoxQuery` - [x] `geoDistanceQuery` - [x] `geoPolygonQuery` - [ ] `geoShapeQuery` - [x] `hasChildQuery` - [x] `hasParentQuery` - [x] `idsQuery` - [...
### Description: As an example, you can take a look at the [ElasticQuerySpec](https://github.com/lambdaworks/zio-elasticsearch/blob/main/modules/library/src/test/scala/zio/elasticsearch/ElasticQuerySpec.scala). The basic idea is to have a simple structure and description of the tests and combine them...
### Description: Add a search option bar to our website. As you can see, our [docs](https://lambdaworks.github.io/zio-elasticsearch/overview/) don't have the search option at the moment. You can explore the possibilities [here](https://docusaurus.io/docs/search).
### Description: For example, [this](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/internet-explorer/ie-developer/platform-apis/aa752574(v=vs.85)?redirectedfrom=MSDN) URL is valid even if contains brackets (`(` and `)`). Here is the completed [URL spec](https://www.w3.org/Addressing/URL/url-spec.txt) so we can identify "tricky" cases, support them and...
The following commands are missing in SortedSets API: - [ ] `BZMPOP`: The [command](https://redis.io/docs/latest/commands/bzmpop/) is available since 7.0.0 - [ ] `ZINTERCARD`: The [command](https://redis.io/docs/latest/commands/zintercard/) is available since 7.0.0 - [...
The following commands are missing in Streams API: - [ ] `XAUTOCLAIM`: The [command](https://redis.io/docs/latest/commands/xautoclaim/) is available since 6.2.0 - [ ] `XSETID`: The [command](https://redis.io/docs/latest/commands/xsetid/) is available since 5.0.0 The following...
As of Redis version 7.0.0, the following command is regarded as deprecated: - [ ] `CLUSTER SLOTS` As of Redis version 6.2.0, the following commands are regarded as deprecated: -...