Actually, you might be able to do it with network_broadcast_transaction.
If any one of us can restart the testnet, we won't have to interrupt @nmushegian simply to say "testnet is down" if we can fix it ourselves.
What should it do if the yield would be really small? I think it shouldn't claim the yield on any balance if that yield would be smaller than some user-specified...
Closing, since #817 is a duplicate and already closed.
What's the use case? Wouldn't that just hurt someone by setting them back to the beginning of the yield curve?
Does @nathanhourt describe this issue accurately? Please specify what the two fees are.
Instead of having a minimum prop fee set by each peer, we should have each delegate publish a TITAN profile field called `min_prop_fee` describing the smallest tx fee that delegate...
Edit above: Replace "minimum" with "median"
There should be some anti-spam limitation on the total size of the free transactions and the number that can be included in a block. Otherwise a malicious delegate could spam...
We can just have delegates by default not produce on top of a block that contains more than N free transactions. Then changing N will not be a hard fork,...