Duplicate of #233 Widevine DRM has been implemented to livestreams and for an unspecified amount of time after broadcast (stream URL is .mpd instead of .m3u8)
Messing around with an RPi2 and seem to be hitting this as well. Everything appears to be running but not working, logs were the only indication something was wrong with...
> Are you all on architecture `armv6`? You can run `uname -m` to see that information. Because the docker image uses armv7. I do believe that is the issue we...
Siguza (iOS Security/Vulnerability Researcher) [responded directly](https://www.reddit.com/r/jailbreak/comments/f9upk5/comment/fiu7ezb/) to the post you are referencing: `What restoreRootFS does is that it wipes out a partition previously made.` "No it doesn't, it rolls the...
I believe this may be due to the lack of a node_helper.js but I could potentially be way off-base there. Not 100% sure how the 2.17.0 changes impacted using modules...
> Hey, are you able to provide more details about this? ~~Definitely!~~ Hopefully! Expected behavior: - module displays currently playing content from Plex Actual behavior: - module loads but does...
Making sure I don't just have something out of date....
Tracked it down finally and it's a CORS policy error. `Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: The request client is not a...
I seem to be encountering a combination of this and #96 on my Unraid box. Running without `privileged: true` in the `docker-compose` just hangs until timing out (like in #96...
With Daylight Savings starting back up again, this issue seems to have returned. Haven't been able to find a workaround as of yet.