Dries Pieters
Dries Pieters
The default country of the logged in user isn't selected on page load. Issue seems to be here: ` if (countrySelect.dataset.default) { countrySelect.value = countrySelect.dataset.default; }` The value should be...
The Bash function to create a self signed SSL certificate won't work after switching to ZSH. (Default now on OSX) https://github.com/Shopify/slate/wiki/4.-Create-a-self-signed-SSL-certificate Does anyone know how to modify the script to...
Task: https://github.com/lightward/mechanic-tasks/tree/main/docs/unpublish-products-that-have-been-out-of-stock-for-x-days This task also hides gift card products. (There's a isGiftCard field on the product object btw) Perhaps also check for the value "continue selling when out of stock"...