Drew Tate
Drew Tate
@sancarn I think this is a good idea, but I'm not sure I understand how the existing algorithm is O(n^2). It appears to be a simple loop through the vertices...
@rgwozdz was under the same impression. The most we could find was the [`retry`](https://github.com/Esri/arcgis-rest-js/blob/master/packages/arcgis-rest-request/test/utils/ArcGISAuthError.test.ts#L42) method on the `ArcGISAuthError` class which is helpful, but doesn't get us all the way there....
@patrickarlt those strike me as fair arguments and I like the idea of focusing on broad solutions, though I think @tomwayson would probably have more to say in that realm....
@elasticmachine merge upstream
@flash1293 Thinking more about how much flexibility to give the operation classes for optimizing... All the simple “dedupe” optimizations are turning out to follow the same set of steps -...
@elasticmachine merge upstream
@elasticmachine merge upstream
@kibanamachine merge upstream
Thanks for the response, @nickofthyme ! All makes sense. cc: @flash1293 WRT priority