Drew C.
Drew C.
This doesn't happen in any other game engine, even games that dont support borderless work fine when using an external borderless program, from everything I've seen this is a panda...
Just checked it in Minecraft, the same issue occurs there unfortunately. Ideally we'd get DX12 support but as far as I know that's not a current plan for you guys...
The ideal way (in my opinion) would be a whole new HTML/CSS Webkit based UI system `like UltraLight, however the licensing for that system specifically makes it a no for...
Maybe just the option to put chat on other hand and stuff, that could be completely disabled in the case of a compatibility problem
Personally i think directgui just needs to be fully replaced / massively overhauled. Making guis with it is a pain for beginners, as theres no like designer window or anything,...
apparently i put quotation marks in my output folder which was "not the right thing to do" that resolved my issue
Disabling auto hdr in an attempt remedy an issue where my exports aren't including a video feed (kind of important), causes it to completely crash upon export start (after it...