thanks for your review, I hold the same idea with you.
Can you explain why need this, does creator add the same limitation?
@halx99 thanks, could you share where the libraries comes, and what version/commit you used? with those informations, we could upgrade those easily.
could you add those informations as a `README.md` into `cocos2d-x-3rd-party-libs-bin/android-specific/` @halx99
I think the default name `creator` as export folder is proper, we didn't support to custom the name yet.
Right, `convert_fire_to_json.py` is useless for the latest plugin, you can remove it.
The default Layout Component is created with a Sprite Component, when I try to do a test for this feature, I found it didn't support background image only background color,...
@tankorsmash @jusforfun I add a PR for the Widget support, see #160 , I will appreciate it if you would like to review and have a test. Due to the...
Any progress for the Layout? @tankorsmash
This great job is meaningful for plugin users, even though two options not supported, so I suggest you to make a PR, just add comments into that PR what have...