
Results 63 comments of dreirund

> *Tip - I have written this snippet just for that:* You seem to have messed up the markdown formatting, @Manamama. Try to change the ```markdown ` ``` to `````markdown...

> *I just found a workaround: set an environment variable `ANDROID_SERIAL="02b5c5a809117c73"`* OK, I made a wrapper script: [`adbfs-devspecific.sh`](https://github.com/spion/adbfs-rootless/files/14773507/adbfs-devspecific.sh.txt) --- *Note: I previously had a bogous script, see [this follow-up comment...

> *However, Android device IDs are not limited to hexadecimal characters.* Thanks for informing me, I updated my script (now to accept _any_ non-empty string). Also, I actually did forget...

> *My suggestion, as per the above - add it to the base options.* I do not understand what you mean by this.

I also see the message ``` Error my backend : out of memory ``` printed to the terminal when I run `scanimage -L` or `xsane`. I have no Canon scanner....

> *It resolved for me when I added my user to the `scanner` and `lp` groups.* For me, my user was in both groups.

I have this issue, too; trying to install latest git checkout. Python version: 3.11.3. `setup.py` has ``` if not sys.version_info < (3, 6): sys.exit("Python 3.6 or newer is required.") ```...

> *download HEAD.zip from this repo (instructions in readme.md), unpack, edit setup.py manually to remove the check, and pack it up again to HEAD.zip, and install it locally using pip3...

> you could make a PR. That is beyond my git skills. If a fix is provided here to the maintainers of the software, than it should be easy to...

I have edited [`Medicine.md`](/ligi/SurvivalManual/wiki/Medicine#L185) to now contain the correct image, and I have uploaded the image via the github function. But now the image is stored differently than all the...