Regarding a potential fix for GSA/analytics.usa.gov/issues/149, it looks like [app/routes.js](https://github.com/18F/analytics-reporter/blob/master/app/routes.js) isn't specifying the character set for the returned JSON. Pulled from [StackOverflow #16268244](http://stackoverflow.com/a/16268244): > Set the `res.header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");` so...
- [ ] Finish exam week so I can get back to working on this project (Dec 13th) - [ ] Figure out a way to avoid reusing content from...
From HN
Short stories – Flannery O'Connor Poems – Edward Thomas Essays – George Orwell
- David Foster Wallace's great essays fill 25 nights: http://tetw.org/David_Foster_Wallace - Billy Collins was on Stephen Colbert not too long ago, and when I looked him up, it turns out...
It would be cool to pipe the returned data (all of it, not just the data from today) to the Google Chart API and return links for graphs of daily...