Eduardo Valle
Eduardo Valle
Hi! I added two more tools to deal with fractional designs: fracfact_opt => scans several generator strings until it finds the one with less aliasing fracfact_aliasing => lists all aliases...
… L\*a\*b\* I created a way to make the color interpolation perfectly smooth. The procedure demands converting to a perceptually uniform colorspace (in the case L\*a\*b\*) and making the interpolation...
**Describe the bug** The app_packages directory in the app bundle is not including among the site packages. I've found this prevents TensorFlow from loading its plugins, but I wonder if...
I've recently tried to use in2csv in a GIS dBase IV dbf file and was unable to do so until I amended (in a very ugly way) to get...
In, in [AtariEnv.seed](, the seed is converted to a signed integer, with the expectation that it will be reconverted into an unsigned integer inside stella_environment. That only works in...
Is mup compatible with torch.compile() in Pytorch 2? If yes, what is the correct usage (e.g. should we apply mup before compile or after)?
Currently, in the documentation, it's unclear whether it's possible to control the RNGs' seeding, and if that's possible, where (server, client, problem, study, sampling?) and how to perform that seeding.
I'm playing with torch-rnn to do computational poetry (didn't Turing's own interest on IA started on that?!) and I found the letter-by-letter predictor requires really huge corpora (e.g., Shakespeare) to...
The current implementation of dmgbuild is prone to giving `OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device` errors. The current solution of calculating the needed space in Kilobytes (/1000) and...