
Results 9 issues of dreamwish1998

Hello, has the performance of the model improved after switching to the v2 version? Thanks!

How can I customize new hyperparameters in detectron2? like _CC.TEST.PCB_ENABLE = False, thank you!

Great job, how do I find your core code, or where are the major contributions of GDL and PCB code? Thank you so much!

@tanghaotommy In the source code, is the model trained on the GPU? Why do I feel that the GPU is not used when I train?

How do we perform distributed training in this project? or how to modify the code for distributed training? Thank you very much!!!

Hello author, where can I find the code related to Meta-class Memory Module in this project? thank you!

What should the file path under datasets/coco/ be, for example, whether the train2014 and val2014 data folders are separate or together (trainval2014)? Thanks!

How big is the memory of a single GPU in the config file settings? thank you!

Great work! Can you teach me how to calculate the FLOPS and parameters of the FCT model in detectron2? Can you provide the relevant code or guidance? Thank you very...