【钉钉模板】 ```template {{ $var := .externalURL}}{{ $status := .status}}{{ range $k,$v:=.alerts }} {{if eq $status "resolved"}} ## [告警恢复-通知]({{$var}}) #### 监控指标: {{$v.labels.alertname}} {{ if eq $v.labels.severity "warning" }} #### 告警级别: **{{$v.labels.severity}}**...
image:dockette/adminer:full add env MONGO_AUTH_SOURCE=admin Still not useful. But use image:dockette/adminer:full-php5 is ok
https://github.com/vrana/adminer/blob/master/adminer/drivers/mongo.inc.php#L622 Is there a bug in the logic of the latest adminer code? It's just my guess. It feels weird anyway ```php $connection->_link = $connection->connect("mongodb://$server", $options); if ($password != "")...
adminer-mongodb is not unstable, let's wait for it to stabilize later.