Andy Beaumont
Andy Beaumont
- OS version: macOS Monterey 12.3 - Editor version: SublimeText 4 (4126) - Programming language: any - Tabnine extension version: 3.2.0 SublimeText 4 has been out for almost a year...
Problem: Sometimes it's useful to be able to run a function upon activation of a virtualenv. As an example, we have many projects containing a fabfile folder with its own...
Seems like a sane default to me to use `safe_email` over `email` just in case anyone ever plugs mixer into a test suite that actually sends emails without realising.
I'm not sure yet if this is a Wagtail-localize issue or a Wagtail issue, but if you have a page with a OneToOneField then trying to translate it fails silently...
Is anyone successfully using wagtail-personalisation in a project that also includes wagtailtrans? I've come across two issues using the two together... 1) My variant pages never show. Stepping through the...
### Issue summary We have a site with 6 languages, English set as the default and the page tree set to freeform. When someone translates a page from English to...
The docs for API Blueprint suggest comments should be HTML style: ``` ``` but the linter highlights it as an unrecognised block.
Hello. I'm using Wagtail-Cache on a site that also uses [Wagtail-Personalisation]( which allows different users to see different versions of pages based on segmentation. Obviously I need to cache the...
I think this is an issue at the [django-develeoper-panel]( end though so if I get time I'll do some testing and open an issue or pull request there. The problem...
Hello. I've search the docs and the issues and the entire web, but without any luck. Has anyone managed to get DAL working with Wagtail / Telepath? Anyone got any...