Cyrille Perois
Cyrille Perois
I am trying to use CSS modules in my app. I went to css-loader's documentation to see how to enable it. I saw that it should be done with the...
Hello, First, thanks a lot for these great hooks :heart_eyes: I am using some of them in a project. I am upgrading dependencies, and some hooks have new versions. I...
Hello, When reading the react-split docs, I found that the `gutter` prop is a function that should return an html element ( I was wondering if there is a way...
Hi, I'm trying to use gulp-fontmin to minify font-awesome's `fontawesome-webfont.ttf` file, but I get the following error : ``` Offset is outside the bounds of the DataView ``` I'm using...
Hi, I was going to implement a git hook to do just the same thing that yarnhook does, but for Composer (PHP package manager). But I thought it would be...
Hello, I'm in a case in which the last uploaded commit can be a precious information locally. But every time I upload my modifications using dploy, the `.rev` file is...
We have a lot of inconsistencies in translations keys case. We have UpperCamelCase, camelCase and snake_case in it. We must clean it.
We have some dependencies that could be easily removed. The benefits would be less renovate PRs to take care of and maybe lighter bundles (thus this will certainly not very...
Currently in services we use a cozy-client-js instance given by cozy-konnector-libs. We should use a cozy-client instance. It seems to be pretty simple: But we need to make sure...
I am trying to use `` on the date filter component in Banks. For that, I need to use a custom Control component. I looked at the example on [the...