Provide an API for external extensions to access the new BIOS, after it exists. Obsoletes #67 #68.
If the user specifies a cradle with a path a prefix of another. Not sure how it's working now.
## Status - [ ] A workaround is available - [ ] A fix is written - [ ] A fix is released - [ ] The fixed version is...
## Status - [ ] A workaround is available - [ ] A fix is written - [ ] A fix is released - [ ] The fixed version is...
https://www.haskell.org/ghc/blog/20190626-HIEFiles.html This new feature definitely falls into the scope of this extension and could be very helpful
**Describe the bug** `style/auto_caps: false` 也无法关闭英文模式句首自动大写 **To Reproduce** 在 `trime.custom.yaml` 中配置 ``` patch: "style/auto_caps": false ``` 然后重启 Trime,切换到英文模式开始输入包含 `. ` 的文本 **Expected behavior** 句首不自动大写 **Log** **Screenshots** **Smartphone (please complete the...
I did the following - `stack new playx86` - Edit `stack.yaml` to change `extra-deps` field to `["x86-64bit-0.1.1"]` - `stack build`, and it fails The output is pasted below ``` Didn't...
https://tuna.moe/event/2020/salon/ 的会场上: @dramforever 拿出了 [Baba is You] 给 @NickCao 玩 [Baba is You]: https://hempuli.com/baba/ 然后 @scateu 说可以接到投影仪上,然后全场就都在解谜……
@twd2 我发现写入和读取的时候对sram平行法方向施加的力的大小不同,会导致比特翻转的数量不同 @dramforever: 基于 sram 的压力传感器 @twd2: wrong 基于虚焊的压力传感器