Results 11 issues of Drakeet

Rename ItemViewBinder to ViewHolderInflater, and ItemViewDelegate to ViewHolderDelegate, then make ItemViewBinder a typealias for ViewHolderInflater, ItemViewDelegate a typealias for ViewHolderDelegate.


For: &

As a user, I used to exit the app through the Back gesture, but when I entered a deep folder directory, I need to repeatedly trigger a Back(`onBackPressed()`) event to...


My app was using this ViewTooltip to show some user tutorials. It looks good to me, but recently, I found that using this library may cause the Android UI renderer...

`OrderType`s are used for `Collections.sort(list, comparator)`, but they are wrong, will lead to sorting error: Try the test code: ```java TextView textView = findViewById(; ArrayList list1 = new...

I used this library v1.2.1 in my App [Pure Writer]( It is great! I turn to v2.1.0 today, and I found `Context` is not necessary when only using `Storage.getExternalStorageDirectory()`. It...

### **Description** As the title says, my app uses the AppCenter Android SDK. My users have reported to me that AppCenter generates a lot of files. The problem is obvious,...
