Results 50 comments of Drakeet

请在 NVIDIA 中关闭 g sync 刷新,改成“固定刷新”试试,或者试试这个版本: 如果解决了后请告知一下。


能否告知一下具体电脑型号和系统版本?我去买一台一模一样的尝试复现一下。 ________________________________ From: name8102 ***@***.***> Sent: Monday, March 21, 2022 9:53:16 PM To: PureWriter/desktop ***@***.***> Cc: Drakeet ***@***.***>; Comment ***@***.***> Subject: Re: [PureWriter/desktop] [BUG] 桌面端在使用输入法后显示异常 (Issue #57) 使用1.5.4版本问题没有解决 我用到是amd的显卡,没有开freesync,显示器默认刷新率是60,手动超频到了75 ―...

The pwb is actually a zip ________________________________ From: Alexander Paliy ***@***.***> Sent: Saturday, December 25, 2021 6:50:08 AM To: PureWriter/desktop ***@***.***> Cc: Subscribed ***@***.***> Subject: [PureWriter/desktop] Is there a *.pwb...

The MD5 is the database's MD5, and you can just use the .db file, Pure Writer also supports Restore from a db file as well as pwb, if Restore from...

如果需要 32 位版本,需要使用 32 位机器进行编译,我这边找不到 32 位机器。你可以自行使用 32 位机器编译,纯纯写作桌面版源代码是跨平台的。

找到一个第三方编译的纯纯写作桌面版 for Linux & Windows x86(32 位)版本 (下载链接在这个页面顶部,往下滑动可以获得更多说明) 注意:第三方编译版本产生的任何问题与本人或纯纯写作无关,不负任何相关责任。您需要自行斟酌后使用。

I think this is a limitation of this project because it does not touch AndroidManifest.xml

I have used both the InflationX and @B3nedikt versions for a long time, especially B3nedikt's version. When I encountered various issues with the InflationX version, it was B3nedikt's version that...