Drago Rosson
Drago Rosson
Potential solution http://community.monogame.net/t/compile-fbx-from-mac-or-linux/1444 >For Protogame, we preload the Assimp assembly on Linux, which prevents Assimp from trying to load it from the default path: https://github.com/hach-que/Protogame/blob/2ca624d76f0d435f8b4fc66f589288da5a29ee8d/Protogame/Assets/Models/FbxReader.cs#L45932 >This uses .so files which...
Follow-up: I solved my problem the above way, but the DLL I used had to be the one generated from assimp's source (I installed multiple assimp apt packages and the...
I am able to use UDFs. I'm compiling `Microsoft.Spark.Worker` with .Net 7 and would be using the jar from the NuGet package except I needed to run with Spark 3.2.2...
> * why the provided `microsoft-spark-3-2_2.12-2.1.1.jar ` from nuget does not allow you to run Spark 3.2.2 The most recent nuget package is from 9 months ago https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Spark/2.1.1 And the...
> Hi @imback82 , @Niharikadutta , @GeorgeS2019 , @dbeavon, Could you please let me know if we can depend on this library and if there's any chance we see a...
>There is a workaround for this which seems obvious now. Don't try to put multiple hosts on the one Ingress resource, just create a different Ingress for each host. Preserving...
See https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator/issues/9083
> Good points @karczewsky - I was able to add `redis` to the internal network and it worked as expected. However now is the next issue... > > On startup...
I just noticed https://github.com/Netflix/conductor/pull/3543 which was opened two weeks ago, approved, but still not merged. @v1r3n @manan164 what's the status of the PR and does it fix this issue?