This would be so nice! I am parsing a big XML with Rust and many fields are implemented as Enum, it uses strong-xml crate and well, returning FromStr(VariantNotFound) isn't really...
Hmm that not realy what I mean, I want some thing like tkat: $('grid').bootgrid("hide-column", "column-id"). So I can hide columns from outside bootgrid library (I am doing column grouping because...
If you it will be possible to hide via JS and get visiable columns from bootgrid you can easy add this. I think putting cookies into bootgrid is a litte...
This test where done with `query_as!()`, the FromRow is only for other part of my application with do use it. I should post the rust code 😅, also as you...
@abonander I created a bench repo for this issue It can be run with just `docker-compose up`, note only that it does take about ~3GB of free space to...
Thanks! I suspect that it might be something like that. Any chance fixing it without compromising cancellation-safety? unfortunately using tls is just often not necessary and unnecessary pain to setup...
I am pretty sure you should use fetch_one instead of fetch_optional in this use case
Ok so a simple question, what should fetch_optional in your opinion return when no row was created? You want to return an i64 when no row was created? From where...
Ah ok, right `Result` doesn't make sense in this case I agree. Didn't get that it returns a double option
> NOTE: In case others are following different methods to run migrations, please feel free to recommend here. You know you can embedded migrations with `sqlx::migrate!("./migrations")` within you program binary?...