void ConferenceSocketSignalingChannel::OnReconnectionTicket( const std::string& ticket) { RTC_LOG(LS_VERBOSE)
When the mobile app was entered the room.Then my C++ app enter the room and push the stream(mix). Now my mobile app push the stream so that the C++ app...
void socket::impl::close() { NULL_GUARD(m_client); if(m_connected) { packet p(packet::type_disconnect,m_nsp); send_packet(p); if(!m_connection_timer) { m_connection_timer.reset(new asio::steady_timer(m_client->get_io_service())); } asio::error_code ec; m_connection_timer->expires_from_now(std::chrono::milliseconds(3000), ec); //here is 3000 ms m_connection_timer->async_wait(std::bind(&socket::impl::on_close, this)); } } I want to modify...