
Results 7 comments of dracostheblack

I fixed that but $scope.attachment is still undefined after I do a file upload

Angular is 1.3.6 In my controller all I have is. ``` $scope.attachment={}; $scope.sendMessage = function () { console.log($scope.attachment.filename); }; ```

The only thing different I see is that i'm loading my controller from my module with stateprovider. ``` $stateProvider .state('inbox.landing', { url: '/landing', views: { 'bodyContent': { templateUrl: 'js/modules/inbox/inbox.html', controller:...

No, i was just seeing what the value of the attachment, I don't need to use fileChanged if it will update the scope variable.

Also validation is not firing for me either.

@tanmaybhatt's changed to worked for me as well.

@geerlingguy it looks like Prometheus has the ability to create snapshots for backup but you need the admin api enabled https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/querying/api/#snapshot. How can we do that through the configuration? Was...