Results 59 comments of dracodoc

I found that ebookdroid have the scroll mode and it is using mupdf, maybe you can have a look at it.

Yes, I understand that kpv's special implementation method is different from other reader apps, and that's why kpv is fast. Just want to provide a reference. :)

@houqp , where is the scroll mode? I downloaded the newest nightly build kindlepdfviewer-v2013.1-20-g7ad2c7c, but I didn't find any scroll mode in the help page of kpv. I also didn't...

Then will the new ui branch support kindle DX when it is released? I imagine there could be some complexities if it need to support both keyboard and touch devices.

I want to add some examples of using different styles. [Here are some styles hosted in cdn]( And here are [some demos]( I just replaced the line in `layout/partials/head_custom.html` to...

第一个截图是android下chrome,side bar不起作用倒没什么,但是还能显示,占了不少空间。 ![android chrome]( 第二个是ipad上mercury浏览器,和safari的效果是一样的,能展开,会挡住内容。 ![ipad mercury]( 之前试用jacman的时候可以在正文中生成目录,在页面的顶部,感觉对移动设备这算一个折衷方案,可以始终留一个回到顶部的按钮,然后顶部有个目录。 或者点击一个浮动按钮生成一个浮动的目录?也许那样太复杂了。
