Darshan Gada

Results 77 comments of Darshan Gada

@manuelmeurer Thanks for reporting. πŸŽ‰ Can you please try adding `-y` instead of `--no-tablespaces` and check if it works?

@manuelmeurer It's because, You must be adding an `id_rsa.pub` key, You should add a private key file `id_rsa`.

@Cuzart Thanks for the suggestion. Indeed it's a cool feature to have. I will take a look at it soon.

Sad to see you go 😭

@deanthinker Thanks for reporting. Will fix them soon.

@deanthinker Thanks for reporting. This has been fixed now. Let me know if you find any other states with the same issue.

@jigarakatidus Thanks for reporting. πŸŽ‰ I agree with you, Will fix them ASAP.

@jigarakatidus Thanks for the heads up! Indeed a breaking change, but I was thinking of just adding another column of data for this. For those who want to consume this...

@keiruu Thanks for reporting. πŸŽ‰ I will take a look at it soon.