Michael Harper
Michael Harper
Please don't merge this straight away. The code is more to discuss the idea before I go down a rabbit hole. I was trying to work out the best way...
The way it is currently written means that the code can only return 14 days at a time. If you specify more than 14 days, it will return an API...
Currently does a web call with each web style. It would be useful to have a selection of styles predownloaded to remove the dependence on the website.
Fairly minor error, but there is an error in the Javascript console which appears to be caused by the `removeDrawToolbar()` function. Here is a reproducible example: ``` library(shiny) library(leaflet) library(leaflet.extras)...
I've always found the custom styling within ggmap to be a bit complicated, and I feel it is an underutilised feature because of this. While CloudMade used to offer some...
Hi, I am currently co-authoring an R Markdown Cookbook and thought this would be a nice package to include as an alternative to the typical bibliography workflow. Will be looking...
The unilur package seems to have some interesting chunk options for customising the appearance of custom blocks: http://koncina.github.io/unilur/articles/custom-boxes.html Might be worth seeing whether we could use something like this in...
Based on this [answer here](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25646333/code-chunk-font-size-in-rmarkdown-with-knitr-and-latex), we can change the font size of code chunks using hooks: ``` def.chunk.hook