@AnnaSearl 官网上确实没有问题,但是实际使用的过程中,chooseImage的api会直接使用index.web.js中的代码,但里面的代码实现是空的
@ginvaell This will be fixed in the next version.
It seems that in the 2020.x version, PropTypesGenerate doesn't show up. You can alse use `shift + ctrl + alt + P` KeyMap to show Dialog. @iElsha I will take...
I have open sourced a library very similar to react-retch, named [react-decorate-fetch](https://github.com/dpzxsm/react-decorate-fetch), I would be very happy if someone can help me maintain it together.
https://github.com/dpzxsm/react-refresh-hotfix 这个webpack扩展插件可以解决这个问题