David Zmick
David Zmick
You might be able to salvage this stuff to get whatever you are working on working: https://github.com/dpzmick/dvtm/blob/master/vim_navigate.c + some other changes to dvtm https://github.com/dpzmick/vim-dvtm-navigator
Didn't realize this was open when I added submitted https://github.com/jwilm/racerd/pull/57 should it be closed?
it looks like the implementation of `get_function()` used by `with_function()` is correct. llvm-sys doesn't implement `llvm::ExecutionEngine::getPointerToFunction()` but, looking at the code in 3.9, its basically exactly the same thing as...
llvm-3.9 does not resolve the issue. I've also isolated the issue to this crate. The equivalent example using only llvm-sys works correctly. see: https://bitbucket.org/dpzmick/llvm-sys.rs/src/622927a96d48e6548b8ed71d75115c5ecc19953c/examples/jit-function.rs?at=default&fileviewer=file-view-default
I've found the source of the issue. Memory layout for tuples is not well defined in rust, so using a tuple in `with_function` is causing all sorts of havoc. Doing...