Diamond Lewis

Results 138 comments of Diamond Lewis

Can you provide test cases and improve coverage?

@sunshineo If I remember correctly you were using JWT right?

@Yurgal You have to signUp with the installationId otherwise how will login find the user? See tests cases https://github.com/parse-community/Parse-SDK-JS/pull/1031/files

@SebC99 Can you update from master for the CI? Is this still a draft? Looks good so far.

Does the failing test pass locally?

@davimacedo I agree that this is expected behavior.

Can you rebase from master?

Codecov lets you know which lines of code are missing tests. Please add your new test cases in [Auth.spec.js](https://github.com/parse-community/parse-server/blob/master/spec/Auth.spec.js) Here are a few that are missing - [x] Testing oauth20,...

I could write the tests myself but I figure its more important to get your testing environment setup. We may need to update our documentation to help other developers. As...