David Kirchner

Results 21 issues of David Kirchner

I'm attempting to use fb-android-dagger and am running in to some trouble. I created a barebones project in order to show the problem and have posted it here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/99107327/MyApplication.tar.gz I...

### Terraform Version, Provider Version and Kubernetes Version ``` Terraform version: Terraform v1.0.5 on darwin_amd64 Kubernetes provider version: 2.4.1 Kubernetes version: v1.19.9-gke.1900 ``` ### Affected Resource(s) - kubernetes_persistent_volume - kubernetes_persistent_volume_claim...


**Describe the bug** When you install the jaeger helm chart with esRollover enabled, the chart attempts to run the es-rollover-init Job, and due to the use of pre-install, pre-upgrade, the...


Currently, if you try to run openresty in a K8S cluster that is configured for higher security[0], perhaps `runAsUser` and/or `readOnlyRootFilesystem`, you'll get startup errors when openresty attempts to create...

I think it'd be useful to have a way to create databases, tables, and run grants via an operator-monitored CRD. Currently, these tasks need to be done by hand or...

The answer to the question in `BaseObservable`: ``` // freeze the current RX thread until service is connected // because bindService() will call the connection callback on the main thread...


Currently, the generator creates one file per top-level path component -- that is, if you have paths `a/b/c` and `a/d/e`[1] and a path template named `routes/$$path$$/route.js.hbs` it only creates one...

The library cannot use GCS buckets configured to use bucket-level access. Attempts to use it will result in an exception: `Cannot insert legacy ACL for an object when uniform bucket-level...

The `Storage` class from @googleapis/nodejs-storage doesn't require the caller to pass a project id or keyfile. If you don't specify them, the library will try to look up the values...