Dennis Pitcock
Dennis Pitcock
I was looking at the Could we try a ping and if no network it kills exits the script. Even better if it opens an OS alert to say...
### Description add svg pro of the type ReactNode to the TopNavigationProps.Logo type. The svg being a slot and overrides any src and passed to the icon. Perhaps a props...
…rigger-buttons indepenently ### Description Consolidating the logic for the toolbar trigger buttons and adding unit tests for them - in Visual Refresh this combines the logic for the mobile or...
### Description TBCompleted Related links, issue #, if available: n/a ### How has this been tested? Review checklist _The following items are to be evaluated by the author(s) and the...
### Description - Adds logic to render tooltips for the trigger-buttons in toolbar - Pulls the trigger-buttons for mobile and desktop into the same file with a `isMobile` prop that...
### Description Overview - this hides the navigation toggle button when toolbar variant of AppLayout has hideNavigation prop of true. - it also insures there is never a situation where...