@GiovanniTurri @Torsten12 Did you resolve your communication issues? We have a similar setup and encountering communication issues as well.
We're exploring `tesseract` and would welcome a stable release option as well. Perhaps a release could also include a centralized changelog? Right now you have to dig into each module...
> @dpiet Are you wanting a single changelog for the repository? @Levi-Armstrong Yes I think that would be helpful in quickly seeing what is included in the release. But it's...
@aatb-ch Were you able to track down this definitively? We may be experiencing similar behavior.
We have seen this behavior on a IRB 4600. Changing to accuracy mode didn't appear to make a difference but we're continuing to investigate.
Sorry, this wasn't our issue after all. We're using a different wrapper around the libegm that doesn't have these soft limit enforcements. Our issue was a low `MaxSpeedDeviation` parameter in...
I also came across this issue. Is there a workaround for Foxy?
I have not tried yet but planning to soon. It seems from https://github.com/ros-industrial/abb_libegm/issues/118 that the underlying EGM protocol should function fine. The RWS interface may not work though. Have you...