
Results 10 comments of dpatel257

CentOS image do not work out of the box, without the host setup. Need support from gstreamer-videoanalytics .

Hello @a3213105 , Have you tried building [SVT-HEVC](https://github.com/OpenVisualCloud/SVT-HEVC) on bare metal? If so, do you see same results? Is this issue specific to the OVC Dockerfile container?

@jhou5 Can you provide more details? It looks that README is being generated for Xeon/ubuntu-18.04/service/dev/README.md

Alternative: CAP_SYS_RAWIO https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/capabilities.7.html

This was created long ago, where we didn't want to use privileged mode to access 'devices' from container that are sitting on host. Hence the option. It's an option we...

Hello @omair18 , vaapi is supported on [HW](https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/developer/articles/technical/linuxmedia-vaapi.html) where hardware acceleration is present. You are using VCAC-A image, Are you running on VCAC-A card? If not, to use VAAPI, you...

> There is a new commit in OWT repo which adds a new patch, so we need update related m4 file for OWT. Please check whether it fixes your issue...

Hello @brmarkus , I am building in U20.04 Docker, although I am referring to the guide you posted, mine is not exactly the same: - Building gstreamer 1.20.3 from source...

Thank you Mikhail. That is helpful. Well cmake can not find both libraries: ``` -- MQTT=/opt/build/gst-video-analytics/build/1 -- KAFKA=/opt/build/gst-video-analytics/build/1 ``` Although I checked and ldconfig can find the installed libraries through...

Hello there, After playing some more with that CMAKE debugging, it is strange what is observed: I tried finding same libraries but under a different variable. ``` vim gst/elements/gvametapublish/mqtt/CMakeLists.txt find_library(MQTT...