Dimitris Papavasiliou

Results 10 issues of Dimitris Papavasiliou

I notice that when exporting a C function with the `sexp_define_foreign[_opt]` facility, errors generated in that C function don't have a complete stack (meaning that the actual location of the...

This patch allows manually fixing a range of vertices, preventing them from moving during contraction when using `Mean_curvature_flow_skeletonization`. Naturally, this will prevent convergence towards the skeleton, but its intended use...

not yet approved
small feature

I'm experimenting with parallel (i.e. multithreaded) evaluation of various kinds o CGAL operations. I couldn't find much specific documentation on the matter; mainly: > * it should be possible to...

This pull request adds version-specific overrides, which work and are implemented in a way almost identical to platform-specific overrides. This feature would allow one to tailor the build process according...

This pull request mirrors issue 485 (http://bugs.conkeror.org/issue485) and hopefully makes up for the rather badly made patches attached there. The proposed patch adds a total progress display for active downloads...

This PR trivially extends the existing mechanism for statically compiled libraries to allow the user to export custom libraries from C. I currently use it to export a relatively complex...

This may be related, or the same as, #835. I notice that running the following code ```scheme (let ((a (+ 1 "a"))) (display a) (newline)) ``` the resulting exception does...

Compilation fails when building Sqrt(3) subdivision code using a Epeck kernel on Windows 64-bit, where `size_t` is `long long unsigned int`. I'm cross-compiling to WIN64 using MinGW, but, as far...

Ready to be tested
Under Testing

This is a first iteration of the PR regarding ALSA card state handling discussed [here]( https://forum.libreelec.tv/thread/28211-saving-and-restoring-alsa-mixer-state/). The preexisting behavior, was to either restore a custom, ad-hoc state to each sound...

LE 13.0

I apologize in advance for the length of this message, but I've tried to be as thorough as possible in documenting this issue. To make review easier, I've split the...