Dovy Paukstys

Results 45 comments of Dovy Paukstys

Using 0.12.1 and seems to work for `grunt serve`, but `grunt build` has an issue. Fixed it by doing the following: Added (was previously there): ``` cssmin: { dist: {...

Well, now loading the icons in the bower_components under dist. That's a bit odd.

Same... I can't get this to run. :(

Found the issue. CSS is stored in a post_meta value called `_qubely_css` instead of in the template like every other block plugin. This data does not re-render properly. As such,...

Super easy to fix, see:

Totally get that, but this is kind of a barebones feature I think. But that's just me.

Right now I have this running perfectly fine, but I want to potentially do two things. The window that comes down with the action list, I want to be a...

Even developers really comfortable with troposphere can't figure out how to run this *(#$%) thing. I wanted to possibly use it.