Dovy Paukstys

Results 45 comments of Dovy Paukstys

Upload it somewhere and post a link, or drag and drop a SVG here.

Do you have an icon in mind? We have the html5 icon I believe.

Basically, from the background file know which tabs are open so a polling function could occur provided a specific tab is open. ;)

I actually found this... It's called Open Forge and it already has IE. Perhaps we could marry the two?

- Heh, same? - True, but man it's functioning. - Only because they've moved to another system and left it to the community. Yes, triggerIO the company could care less....

I just dug in. Creation was painless. They use a python environment so you can build with any OS I believe (docs haven't said otherwise). Haven't really dug in, but...

I have some ie stuff, but it only works to include a single script on a URL regex. I'd love to do more, that's why I'm here. Heh. I might...

@honestbleeps We need a C# programmer then, heh. @kasbah How interesting! That's a really fascinating take which I, honestly, like. I just need a solution. I'm tired of doing it...