Results 9 comments of DDDD

I run it in home assistant, and restart the add-on every 30 minutes. not idel, but it keep the add-on running when I need it. still didn't resolve the issue...

Do you have solution to the problem? When using the remote the status isn't changed in HA. the new available update every few sec, but other properties aren't.

I tried to solved this, but no luck. can you point me to the right place to try to refresh the AC status incase the user change the setting with...

In the log is see the following (only partial log) > I0116 11:58:23.252 web_log.py:233] [16/Jan/2021:09:58:23 +0000] "POST /local_lan/property/datapoint.json?cmd_id=987&status=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 149 "-" "-" I0116 11:58:23.460 query_handlers.py:135] Decrypted: {"seq_no":1079,"data":{"name":"t_work_mode","base_type":"integer","value":1}} I0116...

I can recive some data, here is anohter part of it (after restart): > I0116 13:39:23.497 query_handlers.py:135] Decrypted: {"seq_no":11400,"data":{"name":"f_e_arkgrille","base_type":"boolean","value":0}} I0116 13:39:23.499 web_log.py:233] [16/Jan/2021:11:39:23 +0000] "POST /local_lan/property/datapoint.json?cmd_id=1&status=200 HTTP/1.1" 200 149...

everything is working except t_work_mode and temp. I'm reciving the room temp, I can control the AC with HA, but can't recive data changed with the remote. :-(

So the problem probably because I have AEH-W4F1 controller. How can you help me to solve this issue? if I will send you the packets from the Wireshark will it...

Yes, I'm using this one. I can share with you the lan_key (privatly) and so you can add more controllers to Aircon.

I tried it with my AC, and it's working with AEH-W4F1 ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4309253/103629092-8e62a080-4f48-11eb-8255-1dc4f754ba19.png)