Nicolai Nielsen

Results 7 comments of Nicolai Nielsen

As mentioned in #46, I also cannot connect to the public demo server from my WebOS 6.0.5 TV. Not sure if there's a debug log available for a physical TV...

What notifications do you think would warrant a system toast? If you look at the existing notification-related plugins, the focus there is on printing events (print started, cancelled, finished, etc)....

It looks like this happens on Windows 10 whenever PrusaSlicer.ini points to a screen different from the primary monitor. I think it is also related to Windows or GPU driver...

Yes, this happens when you close PrusaSlicer from a secondary (i.e. not the one marked in Windows as the primary) monitor. It opens on the location it was closed (secondary...

> @yubiuser After having checked this, I think we need to do this in Javascript. FTL v6 currently accepts a comma-separated list of integers for `status`. While FTL could add...

@chase-cromwell I took a stab at this. This is the resulting profile page: ![image]( Is this what you were looking for? The units and values update automatically when the unit...

I never submitted a PR, as I didn't hear back from @chase-cromwell about whether this would be useful to them. I don't personally need this feature, so I didn't really...