Douglas J.A.M

Results 8 issues of Douglas J.A.M

| Q | A | ---------------- | ----- | Bug report? | yes | Feature request? | no | Library version | 1.7.0 ``` ~/folderA/folderB/projectA (master) ./vendor/bin/phpinsights 135/253 [▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░] 53%PHP...


After running the report and looking for outdated libraries, I see it's not optimal yet ### when minor part not mentioned, perhaps it should not complain about it aws/aws-sdk-php required...

Cannot reproduce

I'd really like to have the feature to order/reorder the columns in the structure view through a drag and drop, currently we only have the possibility to edit the ordinal...


After checking the code I see there is Dbal support, but I haven't seen anything about mongo or Doctrine ODM nor in the internet, has anyone made this integration work...

Type: Feature
Status: Backlog

boa tarde pessoal, ``` meu chefe está pedindo para fazer adicionar a seguinte mensagem no boleto: ``` não receber após 5 dias de vencido. após o vencimento cobrar 5% de...

Não é uma falha, porem seria interessante colocar a possibilidade de um símbolo de prefixo ou posfixo por exemplo: R$ ou KM, é uma sugestão para as próximas versões Is...

plase can you repost documentation at another link or reup

Includes: ``` Javascript ``` The call: ``` Javascript $('.input-mask-cep').livequery(function () { $(this).mask("99999-999"); }); ``` Result in firebug: ``` Javascript,d.$lqguid=d.$lqguid||a.livequery.guid++,... ```