Douglas C. Schmidt
Douglas C. Schmidt
These folder names are linked in my course slides, so they can't be too long.
There are an enormous number of changes here -- too many to commit without an extensive review. Can you please summarize the key things you're trying to accomplish with these...
Paulo, when running we don't get anything with sea_level or grnd_level in it. Here's what we get: {"coord":{"lon":-84.11,"lat":40.74},"sys":{"type":3,"id":154950,"message":0.3679,"country":"US","sunrise":1433153223,"sunset":1433206895},"weather":[{"id":500,"main":"Rain","description":"light rain","icon":"10d"}],"base":"stations","main":{"temp":9.52,"humidity":90,"pressure":1021,"temp_min":9.44,"temp_max":10},"wind":{"speed":1.54,"gust":4.11,"deg":32},"rain":{"1h":0.51},"clouds":{"all":92},"dt":1433158525,"id":5160783,"name":"Lima","cod":200} How are you getting these values? Thanks, Doug
Paulo, can you please send me a link that demonstrates this behavior. This link gets 404, as does this link Thanks, Doug
There's not much useful information to go on here, but I recommend you start by upgrading your gradle to match what the project is expecting. Thanks, Doug
Again, I don't really have enough info to help you out, but my recommendation would be to upgrade the version of gradle in that project to match what's on your...
Thanks Monte! Doug
Thanks - I think I've fixed this and have pushed the updates!
Ryan, please let me know which folder names you're having problems with. Thanks, Doug