Don Kerr

Results 12 comments of Don Kerr

Thats what it looks like. Major showstopper for me. I have too much data in my collections to ground it all. I need subscription-grounding :) Based on my testing Ground...

@fermuch , where did you place the Ground? In Template.myTemplate.rendered ? Or did you put it in your router ?

thanks. I'll give that a try. Appreciate the help. Don

@fermuch , if is in rendered, does that me it is re-grounded every time the template renders? Or is GroundDB smart enough to not re-ground something that is already grounded?...

Agree. It is confusing for people who know Meteor as well. :) I just asked this same question on the new Meteor forums. :+1:

It looks like there is a PhantomJS node package . Would that work with this project? How do you install PhantomJS-Google-Charts?

Thank you @pstephan1187 . I've ask the makers of the phantomJS node package how to call your function from Node. We'll see if they respond.

@pstephan1187 , what is the file format I should use if I want to store your example phantomJS script? The node package appears to allow me to load a file...

Forget my last question and that package won't work because it just installs phantom. this one might I know you are not a javascript developer, but does the code...

Thank you! I'll give this a try. Glad to know it might not need a "page" created. I just want the svgHtml so I can return it in my node...