Simeon Vincent

Results 26 comments of Simeon Vincent

A couple quick thoughts on fonts - Avoid excessive use of web fonts. Try to keep non-system fonts limited to one or two type faces. - Explore async font loading...

@getify do you have any blogs, designs, or sites that you really like? I have my own biases that I can certainly run with, but you're customer/project lead. FWIW, I'm...

While doing some research regarding the question of legitiblity of (sans) serif fonts, I couldn't hlep but notice that this blog uses two of the fonts I was evaluating from...

> Which brings up another point: is it possible to have a single theme that will work well for all the screen sizes, or do we need to have one...

Ah. After [your comment](#issuecomment-160419783) about the static only I was assuming there would be a single base theme covers all devices sizes. The HTML would be structured to treat CSS...

Okay, I get where you're coming from. I was assuming a crawl, walk, run style dev cycle where we'd start with determining the core need and how do we get...

With regard to the [your feedback about the page size](, here's the most recent version I'm playing with: For sizing I'm using all `rem` and `em`. The only pixel...

Here's a quick list of several MD parsers out there. - **marked** - - Summary: "A full-featured markdown parser and compiler, written in JavaScript. Built for speed." - npm:...

Do you need/want/expect [GFM]( Remarkable seems like a solid option. I played around with their demos and read through a bit of their docs and I like what I see...

Closing this PR as there have been no additional changes since I shared feedback about a month ago.