Fernando Migliorini Tenório
Fernando Migliorini Tenório
It's a good idea but i need to think about unlimited history... We copy many things daytime and it occupies much space on days in a row. Fine, i'll go...
Ok, i'll try to do and test it! Maybe, i'll do this with cloud database. Maybe...
Nice!! What's the problem with build?
About search input. Yes! You need to do new window!
Hmmm, understand... Dexie.js can be the best solution in this case!
* The number 1 is ok, i'll be work at this. * Why the number 2 is important for you? * I don't understand, can you explain that for me?
Ok thanks for your espcification. I'll work on those feature soon.
Need to resolve this: P2P Clip sharing via socket.io Anyone?
See my solution: https://github.com/zulip/zulip-desktop/issues/910#issuecomment-608056150
See my solution: https://github.com/zulip/zulip-desktop/issues/910#issuecomment-608056150