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Backend services for dotabod, the popular twitch streamer tool
Some command ( `!hp` or some other ) to get us link to [the official hero page]( As a "workaround" for those overlays, which sometimes allow you to see spells,...
When swapping hero it's show message like this: `Обменялись героями Okayeg :thumbsup: Ставка на npc_dota_hero_pudge отменена и новая на npc_dota_hero_pudge открыта peepoGamble` Problems with displaying the names of heroes and...
`{ emote: 'emote here' } ` is littered throughout the app when calling `t()` the translation function. find a way to disable them easily. perhaps there's a global function on...
using here's the list of things we use twitch for, that could come to kick - [ ] bets open / close - [ ] online/offline detection - [... Idea: add new function to bot PARTY DOTA (idea from site A lot of people want to play with their favorite streamers, at once in a party, so...
clicking for roshan info, clicking top bar for player dotabuff info viewing notable players by clicking can do trivia quiz for fun with clicking on stream question: what do you...
Allow events in game such as Aegis snatch or killstreaks to use the OBS replay buffer. This would show a live replay on stream of the last custom time frame...
Automatically add markers to VODS when events such as Aegis steal, killstreaks etc happen in game. This would allow editors to see important events from the VOD to use in...
features: * get average chat rank * top ranked chatter * lowest ranked chatter requires: 1. chatter to login to dotabod 2. setup gsi (aka dotabod minus overlay) 3. play...