Dorian Mattar
Dorian Mattar
We need to comment out the following in the RingBuffer, or we get errors. #ifdef __cplusplus #endif Does anyone know why this is the case? We can't init the RingBuffer...
I've set the delegate for initWithName password, but I'm able to connect to the server without entering credentials. Also, how do we run multiple servers? I have three rooms, each...
This is crashing our app at start up. - (void)appDidEnterForeground { isComeBackFromBG = YES; dispatch_resume(taskQueue); } Thread 1: EXC_BREAKPOINT (code=1, subcode=0x180b4bab8)
Player only plays for one second. If I pause the process, it plays normal. Any ideas? UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=(originator doesn't have entitlement AND originator doesn't have entitlement}
Are there plans or can it play ... ? DSD to PCM conversion for DSD64 DSD decoding for DSF and DSDIFF with support for DSD over PCM (DoP)
Can SK play HighRes audio thru a decoder?
Can this be set to play gapless? Not a loop, but songs from any NSURL just like a regular CD.
There are no images in the Assets. dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/VimeoNetworking.framework/VimeoNetworking Referenced from: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/B35BBDF4-5F80-4303-9D37-B927AB0BA4C1/ Reason: image not found