
Results 7 comments of dordio

The only font config I have for rofi is this line in i3 config file `bindsym $mod+d exec --no-startup-id rofi -show run -width 100 -font "Fira Code 18"` I tried...

As a test I changed rofimoji config file to load fontawesome6.csv instead of emojis.csv With this option I can see the icons. I tried other csv files and they also...

I'm using `rofimoji` standalone, I call it with `bindsym $mod+period exec --no-startup-id rofimoji` I don't know how to pass emojis to rofi. Sorry. I'm going to try and reinstall all...

Ok, I'm stupid, I realize that as soon as I read the word "echo". Yeah, I know how to pass something to something else. Don't know what my brain was...

So the site you referred made me test the following: adding the font to rofi's config file got me the following result (again sorry for the photo, my screenshot app...

Nope, `Alt+Shift+s` doesn't work. I'm starting to think it's an OS issue. I'm running i3 on top of POP OS. I'm considering reinstalling to see if it gets fixed. Since...

Thank you! (smiley face emoji)(thumbs up emoji)