Results 11 issues of Anas DORBANI

Currently, our project lacks a unified pre-commit configuration structure, resulting in inconsistencies and potential maintenance issues. To streamline our development process and ensure code quality, we propose implementing a standardized...


Ruff, a Python code linting tool, primarily focuses on code quality and best practices. It may support certain types of linting checks but doesn't cover all tasks related to code...

- This is related to #269 issue

- Related to this: #374 - Create Project Setup file - Update Readme - Update .gitignore - Remove Pipfile - Fix mypy issue for toml

After adding the readme now we should update the getting started section so there's no need for the whole config that we used to do before, also I made an...

**What problem or use case are you trying to solve?** we should add the pre-commit to the `make build` section to have coherence between the whole project sections


**Summary** This enhancement aims to separate the usage of local large language models (LLMs) from LLMs accessed through APIs, and reduce the dependency on installed packages like NVIDIA and PyTorch....


Fix #880. - It starts after these changes: #863