
Results 6 issues of Do

As I report on [forum post]( by default fbo on iOS wont work (oF v0.10.1). When I change the ofxiOSWindowControllerType to CORE_ANIMATION in it worked.

I got this error message on install : `==> dkms install rtl8812au/4.3.14 -k 4.20.0-arch1-1-ARCH Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 4.20.0-arch1-1-ARCH (x86_64) `

PG doesn't generate new project for iOS . Error message: `dyld: Library not loaded: @executable_path/../Frameworks/libfmodex.dylib .. Reason: image not found` System info: OSX 10.11.6 Xcode Version 8.0 (8A218a) of_v0.9.5_ios_release (downloaded...

hi Memo. I try to run msafluid on iPad but crash on start (lldb): Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACESS(code=1,address=0x0). When I comment the line: glDrawArrays(GL_LINES, 0, MAX_PARTICLES \* 2); in ParticleSystem.cpp run...

Is there any way to add sliders and buttons in RNGridMenu ?

Hi @rnystrom . RNSwipebar woks fine on iPhone4 but I noticed wrong display on iPhone 5(4-inch screen). See screenshot. ![scr]( Any help for this ? Thank you.