> I've done some measurements to figure out where the military traffic script spends all its time. It looks like when the player is more or less stationary, finding a...
Lines 89-93: `_roadSegment = _vehicle nearroads 20; _roadSegment = selectRandom _roadSegment; _roadSegments = roadsConnectedTo _roadsegment; _destinationSegment = selectRandom _roadSegments; _destinationPos = getPos _destinationSegment;` This seems to be working for me....
`BIS_fnc_nearestRoad` should be able to replace `nearRoads` when looking for a road near the player. Theoretically it should be faster for everything since it returns `Return Value: Object - nearest...
@invrecon On my machine, desktop not server, I am getting 3.86873ms for the `nearRoads` code snippet above. For the `BIS_fnc_nearestRoad` snippet I get 0.008ms. I get 0.0096ms using ` ["_roadSegment...
Back to the initial topic. On my server I used Werthles headless client script, `` for an easy drop in solution. It seems moving the AI to HC after they...
[]( The attached fn_MilitaryTraffic.sqf should remove all instances of `nearRoads` It appears to be working as far as I can tell. Not sure on the overall impact of the changes,...
>But doesn't it require server, clients and HCs to run the addon? Werthles can be used as a drop in script as well, modules not required. IHMO the script version...
I am going to investigate this on a server without HC but I am finding village patrols are broken after enemy contact. It appears new waypoints are given but the...
Patrols are successfully resuming after enemy contact without HC.
From what I have been able to find fn_Patrol.sqf is breaking after locality change. Changing `spawn` on line 35 to `remoteExec` continued to work but still failed after locality change....