Evgeny Dontsov

Results 156 comments of Evgeny Dontsov

@O491dogan don't use library. first idea: maybe it inherits esp8266 eeprom limit 1024 bytes?

I got the same issuu with release version of WiFiManager https://github.com/tzapu/WiFiManager/issues/679

It works! (server ubuntu 16.04)

There are errors in Platformio libraries for "digispark-tiny" platform :(

Usually OK, but sometimes... ``` ************************************* *** Start test-set Waiting for acknowledgments **** ************************************* *** Start test Test sending command and receiving acknowledgment **** Sent > 3; Not OK: No...

@andig This is very popular case for 485-Ethernet (485-GPRS) gateways! I also need.

check this "quick" guide: https://www.kepware.com/en-us/support/resource-library/connectivity-guides/remote-opc-da-dcom

See our solution: https://github.com/dontsovcmc/OPC-Client-X64/commit/29090df27e6e93a0bdf8a70a7a36f5abee822bfd#diff-fa9728931b02835223e8215008ea12f9R77 We call CoCreateInstanceEx with athn.dwAuthnLevel = RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE; if RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT error

OPC remote connection is terrible. Look at this "quick" guide: https://www.kepware.com/en-us/support/resource-library/connectivity-guides/remote-opc-da-dcom Thanks for you project! I think, it is unique in github. OPC DA is "black box" for modern programmers,...

> @dontsovcmc quick question, do you also run graph commands on the same redis instance ? No. Only get.json, set.json commands from Python.