
Results 25 issues of 二狐

**Describe the bug** A clear and concise description of what the bug is. I compiled this cute stuff and i found that I made a wrong decision. Almost everything she...

### 请确保您已阅读以上注意事项,并勾选下方的确认框。 - [X] 我已经使用一个干净且无其它非必要的插件的环境测试过,问题依旧存在。 - [X] 我已经在 [Issue Tracker](https://github.com/LiteLoaderQQNT/LiteLoaderQQNT/issues) 中找过我要提出的问题,没有找到相同问题的ISSUE。 - [X] 我已知晓并同意,此处仅用于汇报主程序中存在的问题。若这个 Issue 是关于其他非程序本身问题,则我的 Issue 可能会被无条件自动关闭或/并锁定。 - [X] 我已知晓并同意,如果我不按照模板提供的指示进行填写,则我的 Issue 可能会被无条件删除。 ### QQNT 版本 Linux 3.2.1-17153 ### LiteLoaderQQNT...


**请描述一下你的新功能请求是否与已知问题有关?** Edge扩展等需要Motrix在后台运行,但罕见的是命令行并没有办法告诉motrix启动后留在后台,所以每一次打开下载器后都需要手动关窗口(但设置中有个自动隐藏窗口的选项约等于保持在后台运行,四舍五入就是打开就进后台) **描述你想要的解决方案** 在命令行或者设置中用更清楚的文字标明启动后就进入后台当daemon **描述你考虑过的替代方案** 设置中的自动隐藏窗口选项 **更多信息** PS:这个issue是希望有个明显的选项而不是随机呼叫开发者加班加点给你摁出来额外的一个功能

enhancement ✨

**PS**:I don't know where to post this issue so I put it here. I'm sorry if I was wrong. There are probably some machine translated texts because I'm not a...

I installed howdy. And it works great with sudo. But I want sddm to login when howdy recognized my face. How can I do it?Or how can I configure sddm?

### 先决条件 (Prerequisites) - [X] 我已确认这个镜像源从未在 [其他 issues](https://github.com/ustclug/mirrorrequest/issues) 中讨论过。 I have checked that this repository has not been discussed in [other issues](https://github.com/ustclug/mirrorrequest/issues). - [X] 我已仔细阅读 [请求新镜像前必读](https://github.com/ustclug/mirrorrequest/issues/350)。 I have CAREFULLY read...

hard to sync

**描述你请求的功能是否和问题有关 / Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** 并无任何功能性问题,但我没法导入Gboard词库 **描述解决方案 / Describe the solution you'd like** 能正确识别Gboard和谷歌拼音的词库并进行转换加导入,最好能支持多一些例如rime的yaml格式 **描述替代方案 / Describe alternatives you've considered** 深蓝词库转换(用脚想都知道挺麻烦的,这玩意Linux跑还会有很多问题) **附加信息 /...

help wanted


**Information:** - ChaiNNer version: 0.24.2-nightly.2024-06-27 - OS: Debian GNU/Linux Trixie **Description** This issue is from #2926 . Because I managed to let NCNN works but with another problem. Basically, NCNN...


> [PipeWire](https://www.pipewire.org/) is a project that aims to greatly improve handling of audio and video under Linux. It provides a low-latency, graph-based processing engine on top of audio and video...